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March 2021

Carlos D. Torres

Curriculum Vitae

4090 Skillman Lane

Petaluma, CA 94952

cell – 415-755-3623



Ph.D. Anthropology, Emphasis: Media Anthropology. Dissertation Title:

Renaissance and Recomposition: Maya Media Production in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico.

Dissertation Committee: James McGoodwin (chair), Carole Mc Granahan, Carla Jones, Dennis McGilvray, Meg Moritz. University of Colorado at Boulder, CO.                                                                                                                                             August 7, 2010           

M.A. Cultural Anthropology, California State College at Fullerton, CA:  with an emphasis in visual anthropology    June, 2002       

B.A. Anthropology, California State College at Fullerton, CA: minor in                             

Comparative Literature                                                                                                         June, 2000           

Research and Teaching Interests

Media Anthropology, Communication and Culture, Maya Studies, Media Production, Latin American Studies

Appointments (at Sonoma State University Fall 2013 to Present)

Lecturer                       Sonoma State University, Osher Life-Long Learning Program, Six-Week Seminar: Homo Communicatus: The Story of Human Communication (Spring 2021)     

Lecturer                        Sonoma State University, Hutchins School of Liberal Studies: LIBS 382, Work and the Global Future (Spring 2017-2021; Fall 2017-2020)   

Senior Lecturer             Sonoma State University, Dept. of Anthropology: ANTH 340, Living in Our Globalized Lecturer World (Fall 2020; Spring 2019; 2 Sections, Spring 2018); ANTH 203, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Fall, 2020; Spring, 2019; 2 Sections, Fall 2018; 2 Sections, Spring 2018

Lecturer                       Sonoma State University, First Year Experience Curriculum: UNIV 150 (Fall 2017-2019; Spring 2018-2020)

Lecturer                       Sonoma State University, Dept. of Liberal Studies: SSCI 320, Critical Media Analysis (Fall 2019) and SSCI 320, Cinema & Global Diversity (Fall 2019)

Lecturer                       Sonoma State University, Dept. of Anthropology: ANTH 358, Media Anthropology (Fall 2014); ANTH 451, Applied Anthropology Methods (Spring 2014) 

Lecturer                        University of California at Berkeley, Dept. of Environmental Studies, Policy & Management: ESPM 151, The Environment, Society and Culture (Spring 2013)  

Lecturer                       University of Colorado, Department of Anthropology: ANTH 1170, Exploring Culture and Gender through Film (Fall 2011); ANTH 4020, Survey of Ethnographic Films: The Legacy of Ethnofiction (Summer 2010); ANTH. 4020, Survey of Ethnographic Media: Introduction to Media Anthropology (Summer 2008); University of Colorado, ANTH. 4020, Survey of Ethnographic Media: Introduction to Visual Anthropology (Summer 2007)

Lecturer                       University of Denver, Department of International Studies: 2930, Latin                                                   American Politics, Culture and Society (Fall 2011).


Author, Homo Communicatus: The Story of Human Communication – book proposal to submitted to the University of California Press, 3/7/2021

Co-Author with Katie Earnshaw, Multi-volume book review of the Photographic Publications of the

Chiapas Photography Project, for American Anthropologist, 113(1).                                       March 2011                                    

Author, Book review of Monkey Business Theater by Robert Laughlin and Sna Jtz’ibajom , 2009, for Latin American Indian Literature Journal, 25(1)                                                                                                                                          Spring 2009           

Co-Author with Caroline Conzelman, Book review of Circuits of Culture: Media, Politics, and

Indigenous Identity in the Andes, by Jeff D. Himpele for Indigenous People’s Issues Today, August 22,

2008. http://indigenouspeoplesissues.com                                                                       Summer 2008           

Editor, Hollywood 101: A Handbook on the Film Business, Collaboration Filmworks, Hollywood, CA

                                                                                                                                          March 2000

Outside Work Experience

Producer/Director, Website, www.stories to save a life.com, Petaluma, CA – in development

Producer/Director, Website, www.mondoglobe.com, Petaluma, CA – in development

Ethnographic Researcher, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (Health and Addiction Research) Oakland, CA, August 2013 – March 2014

Production Coordinator, Arcwelder Films, Ltd.¸ Los Angeles, CA, March 2000 – January 2001.

(Film and project coordinator for film studio specializing in commercial documentary videos.)

High School English Teacher, Fullerton Unified School District. January 2001-Junes 2002

Production Intern, Collaboration Filmworks, Hollywood, CA, February 2000 – May 2000

Operations Manager, Il Fornaio Restaurant, Costa Mesa, CA, October 1994 – August 1999

University Service

SSU Executive Committee, Elected – At-Large Senator (Fall 2018 – Spring 2020)

Provost’s SSU Strategic Planning Taskforce, Appointed – Faculty Representative (Fall 2017- Spring 2018)

Sonoma State University Faculty Senate, Elected – Senate Lecturer (Fall 2017- continuing)

California Faculty Association, Hired – Lecturer Representative (Fall 2017 – Spring 2019)

Margaret Mead Film Festival at C.S.U.F. Director, February 2000 and February 2001

Pedagogy Training & Leadership

  • CSU Chancellor’s Office, Course Redesign with Technology Program (Full Year, June 2017 – June 2018, (bi-weekly seminars)
  • Sonoma State University Faculty Center (pedagogy training conferences, workshops)
    • Online Proven Course Redesign Program, $13, 800 Stipend (Fall 2019 – Spring 2020)
    • Online and Blended Teaching Excellence Program-18-FA(bi-weekly seminars)
    • Locating Affordable Resources (workshop, June 2017)
    • Quality Assurance for Blended and Online Courses (conference, certificate of completion, January, 2017)
    • Using Socrative.com in the Classroom (workshop, Lead Researcher, November, 2015)
    • Using collaborate.com in the Classroom (workshop, September, 2015)
  • University of Colorado at Boulder, Graduate Teaching Program, Certified Lead Graduate Instructor (Fall 2007 – Spring 2010) completed 20 pedagogy seminars, and taught 4 seminars regularly, certification noted on my CSU transcript

Conference Papers & Poster

“The Inward Struggle of Early Christianity and the Quest for Modern Day Restorative Rituals.” Research Poster, American Anthropological Association, Vancouver, CA. 11/24/2019

Visualizing Restorative Ritual: The Pilgrimage along the Camino Santiago, Spain.” Research paper, American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA. 11/14/2018, (Wed, 2:15, Session 2-0490)                  November 2018

“Toward and Anthropology of Citizen Reportage.” Research paper, American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C. 11/29/2017. November 2017

“Post-Modern Revolution/Post-Modern Journalism: Anthropology and the Engagement with Press Reportage in Chiapas 1994-2004.” Research paper, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA.                                                                                                       

November 2008                       

“Ethnography in the Sensationalist Mode: The Persistence of ‘Mondo Vision’ in Contemporary

Televisual Ethnography.” Research paper, American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.

November 2007

“Defining Visual Anthropology in an Age of Documentary Film.” Research paper, Presented for the

traveling Margaret Mead Film Festival. California State College at Fullerton, Fullerton, CA. March 2000

“Visualizing Globalization: The Shepard’s GPS.”Research paper, Presented for the traveling Margaret

Mead Film Festival. California State College at Fullerton, Fullerton, CA. May 1999           

Funding and Scholarships

CSU Chancellor’s Office, Course Redesign with Technology Grant ($13, 844)                                Spring 2017

University of California at Berkeley, Professional Development Grant ($2,470)                             Spring 2013

University of Colorado Departmental Thesis, Research, and Travel Grants  ($7,500 total)         2006|2008

University of Colorado Diversity Fellowship ($2,500)                                                               Fall  2002

University of Colorado Graduate Fellowship ($2,500)                                                         Spring   2003

California State College at Fullerton, Hispanic Faculty Scholarship ($1,000)                              Fall  2001

Professional Film Credit

Production Coordinator, Inside the Kill Box: The War in the Gulf, for Arcwelder Films,

Ltd. Premiered January 15, 2001 on the Discovery Channel. Link to IMDB,

Into the Kill Box

Production Assistant, Explosive Situations, for Arcwelder Films. Premiered November 20, 2000, on the

Discovery Channel


Documentary Videos and Media

Producer/Director, Documentary Video: Labyrinths of Solace, Petaluma, CA, March 15, 2020 (in consideration at the Portland and Margaret Mead Film Festivals)


Producer/Director, Documentary Video: We Demonstrate: Eulogy to an Anti-War Rally, Premiere and Discussion at The University of Colorado at Boulder, October 15, 2004. Weblink: https://youtu.be/QAmzcjnvVYE — Aired November 21, 2004 on KTFD, Channel 14, Boulder.


Producer/Director, Documentary Video We Are the Other, March 2002. Premiered at the student film

portion of the Traveling Margaret Mead Film Festival, C.S.U.F. Weblink: https://youtu.be/6zdU7OZCu2E

 — Aired August 14, 2002 on KTFD, Channel 14, Boulder.

Instructional Media

Chiapas Media Arts Makers, published January 15, 2015. Weblink: https://youtu.be/faIEJXt6p3w

Social Science News Campaign Video, created for a Kickstarter campaign course practicum. published August 6, 2015. Weblink:  https://youtu.be/hKUIF1GCkoI

Professional Membership

American Anthropological Association

-Society for Applied Anthropology

-Society for Visual Anthropology

-Society of Psychological Anthropology

-Society for Transnational, Global Anthropology

Latin American Studies Association

American Ethnological Society


Native Speaker of English. Advanced Spanish. Some knowledge of Tzotzil Maya


Alexis Boutin, Ph.D.

Chair of the Department of Social Sciences

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2078, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-2729


Margaret Purser, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Former Chair

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2054, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-3164


Robert Senghas, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Professor

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2054, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-2307


Karin Enstam Jaffe, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Former Chair

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2054, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-2944



John Wingard, Ph.D.

Department of Social Sciences, Professor/Former Dean of Social Sciences, SSU

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2078, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-2112


Uploaded recommendation letter available at:


James McGoodwin, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Professor Emeritus

1350 Pleasant St.

Boulder, CO 80309-0233

Hale Science 350 | Campus Box 233 UCB

University of Colorado at Boulder,

Boulder, CO. 80309

(720) 920-9744



Dennis McGilvray, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Professor Emeritus

1350 Pleasant St.

Boulder, CO 80309-0233

Hale Science 350 | Campus Box 233 UCB

University of Colorado at Boulder,

Boulder, CO. 80309

 (303) 449-0501



Donna Goldstein

Department of Anthropology, Professor

1350 Pleasant St.

Boulder, CO 80309-0233

Hale Science 350 | Campus Box 233 UCB

University of Colorado at Boulder,

Boulder, CO. 80309

 (303) 492-5484



March 2021

Carlos D. Torres

Curriculum Vitae

4090 Skillman Lane

Petaluma, CA 94952

cell – 415-755-3623



Ph.D. Anthropology, Emphasis: Media Anthropology. Dissertation Title:

Renaissance and Recomposition: Maya Media Production in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico.

Dissertation Committee: James McGoodwin (chair), Carole Mc Granahan, Carla Jones, Dennis McGilvray, Meg Moritz. University of Colorado at Boulder, CO.                                                                                                                                             August 7, 2010           

M.A. Cultural Anthropology, California State College at Fullerton, CA:  with an emphasis in visual anthropology    June, 2002       

B.A. Anthropology, California State College at Fullerton, CA: minor in                             

Comparative Literature                                                                                                         June, 2000           

Research and Teaching Interests

Media Anthropology, Communication and Culture, Maya Studies, Media Production, Latin American Studies

Appointments (at Sonoma State University Fall 2013 to Present)

Lecturer                       Sonoma State University, Osher Life-Long Learning Program, Six-Week Seminar: Homo Communicatus: The Story of Human Communication (Spring 2021)     

Lecturer                        Sonoma State University, Hutchins School of Liberal Studies: LIBS 382, Work and the Global Future (Spring 2017-2021; Fall 2017-2020)   

Senior Lecturer             Sonoma State University, Dept. of Anthropology: ANTH 340, Living in Our Globalized Lecturer World (Fall 2020; Spring 2019; 2 Sections, Spring 2018); ANTH 203, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Fall, 2020; Spring, 2019; 2 Sections, Fall 2018; 2 Sections, Spring 2018

Lecturer                       Sonoma State University, First Year Experience Curriculum: UNIV 150 (Fall 2017-2019; Spring 2018-2020)

Lecturer                       Sonoma State University, Dept. of Liberal Studies: SSCI 320, Critical Media Analysis (Fall 2019) and SSCI 320, Cinema & Global Diversity (Fall 2019)

Lecturer                       Sonoma State University, Dept. of Anthropology: ANTH 358, Media Anthropology (Fall 2014); ANTH 451, Applied Anthropology Methods (Spring 2014) 

Lecturer                        University of California at Berkeley, Dept. of Environmental Studies, Policy & Management: ESPM 151, The Environment, Society and Culture (Spring 2013)  

Lecturer                       University of Colorado, Department of Anthropology: ANTH 1170, Exploring Culture and Gender through Film (Fall 2011); ANTH 4020, Survey of Ethnographic Films: The Legacy of Ethnofiction (Summer 2010); ANTH. 4020, Survey of Ethnographic Media: Introduction to Media Anthropology (Summer 2008); University of Colorado, ANTH. 4020, Survey of Ethnographic Media: Introduction to Visual Anthropology (Summer 2007)

Lecturer                       University of Denver, Department of International Studies: 2930, Latin                                                   American Politics, Culture and Society (Fall 2011).


Author, Homo Communicatus: The Story of Human Communication – book proposal to submitted to the University of California Press, 3/7/2021

Co-Author with Katie Earnshaw, Multi-volume book review of the Photographic Publications of the

Chiapas Photography Project, for American Anthropologist, 113(1).                                       March 2011                                    

Author, Book review of Monkey Business Theater by Robert Laughlin and Sna Jtz’ibajom , 2009, for Latin American Indian Literature Journal, 25(1)                                                                                                                                          Spring 2009           

Co-Author with Caroline Conzelman, Book review of Circuits of Culture: Media, Politics, and

Indigenous Identity in the Andes, by Jeff D. Himpele for Indigenous People’s Issues Today, August 22,

2008. http://indigenouspeoplesissues.com                                                                       Summer 2008           

Editor, Hollywood 101: A Handbook on the Film Business, Collaboration Filmworks, Hollywood, CA

                                                                                                                                          March 2000

Outside Work Experience

Producer/Director, Website, www.stories to save a life.com, Petaluma, CA – in development

Producer/Director, Website, www.mondoglobe.com, Petaluma, CA – in development

Ethnographic Researcher, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (Health and Addiction Research) Oakland, CA, August 2013 – March 2014

Production Coordinator, Arcwelder Films, Ltd.¸ Los Angeles, CA, March 2000 – January 2001.

(Film and project coordinator for film studio specializing in commercial documentary videos.)

High School English Teacher, Fullerton Unified School District. January 2001-Junes 2002

Production Intern, Collaboration Filmworks, Hollywood, CA, February 2000 – May 2000

Operations Manager, Il Fornaio Restaurant, Costa Mesa, CA, October 1994 – August 1999

University Service

SSU Executive Committee, Elected – At-Large Senator (Fall 2018 – Spring 2020)

Provost’s SSU Strategic Planning Taskforce, Appointed – Faculty Representative (Fall 2017- Spring 2018)

Sonoma State University Faculty Senate, Elected – Senate Lecturer (Fall 2017- continuing)

California Faculty Association, Hired – Lecturer Representative (Fall 2017 – Spring 2019)

Margaret Mead Film Festival at C.S.U.F. Director, February 2000 and February 2001

Pedagogy Training & Leadership

  • CSU Chancellor’s Office, Course Redesign with Technology Program (Full Year, June 2017 – June 2018, (bi-weekly seminars)
  • Sonoma State University Faculty Center (pedagogy training conferences, workshops)
    • Online Proven Course Redesign Program, $13, 800 Stipend (Fall 2019 – Spring 2020)
    • Online and Blended Teaching Excellence Program-18-FA(bi-weekly seminars)
    • Locating Affordable Resources (workshop, June 2017)
    • Quality Assurance for Blended and Online Courses (conference, certificate of completion, January, 2017)
    • Using Socrative.com in the Classroom (workshop, Lead Researcher, November, 2015)
    • Using collaborate.com in the Classroom (workshop, September, 2015)
  • University of Colorado at Boulder, Graduate Teaching Program, Certified Lead Graduate Instructor (Fall 2007 – Spring 2010) completed 20 pedagogy seminars, and taught 4 seminars regularly, certification noted on my CSU transcript

Conference Papers & Poster

“The Inward Struggle of Early Christianity and the Quest for Modern Day Restorative Rituals.” Research Poster, American Anthropological Association, Vancouver, CA. 11/24/2019

Visualizing Restorative Ritual: The Pilgrimage along the Camino Santiago, Spain.” Research paper, American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA. 11/14/2018, (Wed, 2:15, Session 2-0490)                  November 2018

“Toward and Anthropology of Citizen Reportage.” Research paper, American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C. 11/29/2017. November 2017

“Post-Modern Revolution/Post-Modern Journalism: Anthropology and the Engagement with Press Reportage in Chiapas 1994-2004.” Research paper, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA.                                                                                                       

November 2008                       

“Ethnography in the Sensationalist Mode: The Persistence of ‘Mondo Vision’ in Contemporary

Televisual Ethnography.” Research paper, American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.

November 2007

“Defining Visual Anthropology in an Age of Documentary Film.” Research paper, Presented for the

traveling Margaret Mead Film Festival. California State College at Fullerton, Fullerton, CA. March 2000

“Visualizing Globalization: The Shepard’s GPS.”Research paper, Presented for the traveling Margaret

Mead Film Festival. California State College at Fullerton, Fullerton, CA. May 1999           

Funding and Scholarships

CSU Chancellor’s Office, Course Redesign with Technology Grant ($13, 844)                                Spring 2017

University of California at Berkeley, Professional Development Grant ($2,470)                             Spring 2013

University of Colorado Departmental Thesis, Research, and Travel Grants  ($7,500 total)         2006|2008

University of Colorado Diversity Fellowship ($2,500)                                                               Fall  2002

University of Colorado Graduate Fellowship ($2,500)                                                         Spring   2003

California State College at Fullerton, Hispanic Faculty Scholarship ($1,000)                              Fall  2001

Professional Film Credit

Production Coordinator, Inside the Kill Box: The War in the Gulf, for Arcwelder Films,

Ltd. Premiered January 15, 2001 on the Discovery Channel. Link to IMDB,

Into the Kill Box

Production Assistant, Explosive Situations, for Arcwelder Films. Premiered November 20, 2000, on the

Discovery Channel


Documentary Videos and Media

Producer/Director, Documentary Video: Labyrinths of Solace, Petaluma, CA, March 15, 2020 (in consideration at the Portland and Margaret Mead Film Festivals)


Producer/Director, Documentary Video: We Demonstrate: Eulogy to an Anti-War Rally, Premiere and Discussion at The University of Colorado at Boulder, October 15, 2004. Weblink: https://youtu.be/QAmzcjnvVYE — Aired November 21, 2004 on KTFD, Channel 14, Boulder.


Producer/Director, Documentary Video We Are the Other, March 2002. Premiered at the student film

portion of the Traveling Margaret Mead Film Festival, C.S.U.F. Weblink: https://youtu.be/6zdU7OZCu2E

 — Aired August 14, 2002 on KTFD, Channel 14, Boulder.

Instructional Media

Chiapas Media Arts Makers, published January 15, 2015. Weblink: https://youtu.be/faIEJXt6p3w

Social Science News Campaign Video, created for a Kickstarter campaign course practicum. published August 6, 2015. Weblink:  https://youtu.be/hKUIF1GCkoI

Professional Membership

American Anthropological Association

-Society for Applied Anthropology

-Society for Visual Anthropology

-Society of Psychological Anthropology

-Society for Transnational, Global Anthropology

Latin American Studies Association

American Ethnological Society


Native Speaker of English. Advanced Spanish. Some knowledge of Tzotzil Maya


Alexis Boutin, Ph.D.

Chair of the Department of Social Sciences

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2078, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-2729


Margaret Purser, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Former Chair

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2054, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-3164


Robert Senghas, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Professor

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2054, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-2307


Karin Enstam Jaffe, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Former Chair

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2054, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-2944



John Wingard, Ph.D.

Department of Social Sciences, Professor/Former Dean of Social Sciences, SSU

Sonoma State University

Stevenson Hall 2078, 1801 East Cotati Ave

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

(707) 664-2112


Uploaded recommendation letter available at:


James McGoodwin, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Professor Emeritus

1350 Pleasant St.

Boulder, CO 80309-0233

Hale Science 350 | Campus Box 233 UCB

University of Colorado at Boulder,

Boulder, CO. 80309

(720) 920-9744



Dennis McGilvray, Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology, Professor Emeritus

1350 Pleasant St.

Boulder, CO 80309-0233

Hale Science 350 | Campus Box 233 UCB

University of Colorado at Boulder,

Boulder, CO. 80309

 (303) 449-0501



Donna Goldstein

Department of Anthropology, Professor

1350 Pleasant St.

Boulder, CO 80309-0233

Hale Science 350 | Campus Box 233 UCB

University of Colorado at Boulder,

Boulder, CO. 80309

 (303) 492-5484


